Hjem » IT Sourcing og indkøb
Gert Grann Jacobsen
Jesper Mikkelsen
Welcome to CONTRACTUS Contract Management Services, where over 25 years of practical experience meets the industry’s best practices as defined by the World Commerce and Contracting Association (WorldCC).
Our expertise and commitment to excellence ensure that your contracts are managed efficiently, effectively, and in alignment with global standards.
With a quarter-century of hands-on experience, our team has navigated various industries, overcoming challenges and delivering optimal contract solutions. This rich history translates into a deep understanding of the nuances and complexities involved in contract management.
We integrate best practices from WorldCC, a leading authority in contract and commercial management. This ensures that our methods are not only tried and tested but also continuously updated to reflect the latest trends, technologies, and regulatory requirements.
By leveraging our extensive experience and best practices, we streamline your contract management processes, reducing administrative burdens and identifying cost-saving opportunities. This allows your organization to focus on core activities while we handle the intricacies of contract management.
We help organizations establish robust contract management functions from the ground up.
We have codified more than 25 years of practical and theoretical experiences into Contractus Target Operating Model, which describes all of the components required to successfully implement and operate a Contract Management function and is a core part of the Contractus Methodology.
We conduct thorough assessments of your current contract management practices and design a tailored framework that aligns with your organizational goals and compliance requirements.
Policy and Procedure Development: We develop comprehensive policies and procedures to ensure consistent and effective contract management across your organization.
Training and Development: Our experts provide training and development programs to equip your team with the skills and knowledge needed to manage contracts effectively. Contractus has a strategic partnership with Nordic School of Contract & Commercial Management (“NSCCM”).
For organizations needing hands-on support with specific contracts, we offer operational contract management services. This includes:
Contract Drafting and Negotiation: We assist with the drafting and negotiation of contracts to ensure they meet your strategic and operational needs.
Lifecycle Management: We oversee the entire lifecycle of specific contracts, from execution to renewal, ensuring compliance, performance, and value delivery.
Issue Resolution and Reporting: Our team manages contract-related issues and provides regular reports on contract performance and compliance.
Our Contract Management As a Service (CMaaS) offering provides end-to-end contract management support on a subscription basis. This service includes:
Comprehensive Solutions: We handle all aspects of your contract management, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.
Scalable Solutions: Our CMaaS is scalable to meet the changing needs of your organization, whether you have a small number of contracts or a large, complex portfolio.
Continuous Improvement: We continually refine and improve our contract management processes to ensure you receive the highest level of service and value.
Choosing the right Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software is crucial for effective contract management. Our services in this area include:
Needs Assessment: We assess your specific needs and requirements to identify the most suitable CLM software for your organization.
Vendor Evaluation and Selection: We help you evaluate and select the best CLM software vendors based on functionality, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.
Implementation Support: Our team provides comprehensive support during the implementation phase and work closely together with all major CLM Software vendors technical consultants.
Implementation of CLM Software is an integrated component of implementing Contractus Target Operating Model.
Post-Implementation Support: We offer ongoing support and optimization services to help you get the most out of your CLM software investment.
Balancerede og fair aftaler mellem leverandør og indkøber er fundamentet under samarbejdsrelationer. Vi faciliterer strategisk sourcing af it-services, forhandler samarbejdsaftaler, udarbejder kontrakter og governance-model for leverandørstyring. IT sourcing handler om at balancere alle it-leverancer og services i forhold til forretningens behov. Det er en løbende proces, der skal adressere ikke kun virksomhedens egne behov, kvalitet, pris, kvalitet, men også udefrakommende krav og trusler, myndighedskrav, cybertrusler mv. Strategisk sourcing er nøglen til at din virksomhed kan udnytte de seneste teknologier, indgå strategiske partneraftaler, optimere ressourcer samt drive vækst.
Vi analyserer forretningskrav fremtidige udfordringer, risici og muligheder og faciliterer beslutningsprocessen og udarbejder roadmap for implementering med stor vægt på at ny teknologi og nye processer bliver rigtigt funderet i virksomheden og adopteret af brugerne.
Vi har erfaringen og de rette ekspertiser og et framework der hjælper virksomheden gennem hele anskaffelsesprocessen. Det gør dig i stand til at vælge den rigtige leverandør af den rigtige service og til den rigtige pris.
Vi hjælper med at udvikle en strategisk sourcing-plan for at identificere kvalificerede leverandører og maksimere værdien af dine IT/Tech-investeringer.
Vores team guider dig gennem udvælgelsen af leverandører og udfører effektive forhandlinger for at sikre de mest fordelagtige vilkår og betingelser.
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +45 27 11 42 00
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +45 27 11 22 63
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